Zoe Birch

Zoe Birch

Zoe Birch

BSc (Hons) mCSP HCPC

Founder & Chartered Physiotherapist

Qualifications & Specialisms

Specialisms: Post-op rehabilitation, Musculoskeletal and sports injuries, Women’s health and Physio for older people

Hi, I’m Zoe.

I set up PhysioMotion because I love helping people get back to doing the things they love. It’s really special to be a small part of someone’s journey to recovery or success. To be able to contribute in some small way to someone regaining some independence or achieving an ambitious goal is priceless.

As a physio, I believe strongly that rapport and empathy are as important as my clinical skills and my ability to solve problems. I chose physiotherapy as a career because it means I get to work with people every day. And I consider myself very lucky to be able to say that if I could go back in time, I’d not hesitate to choose physiotherapy as a career again.

Want to know more about me before you book an appointment?

My favourite gym exercise? A side lunge. It works multiple muscles in your legs, and by varying the tempo, load, height of one foot, surface or stride length you can challenge those muscles in different ways.

My ideal holiday includes hills, lakes, wild fields, quiet roads, and great food and wine in unassuming restaurants. Being able to explore the area in my trainers or on my bike is a bonus.

Favourite foods? An aubergine parmigiana, fresh ricotta you get in Italy (straight from the cow and still warm), and just-baked bread that melts the butter as you spread it.

Dog or cat person? I’m more of a dog person. Their energy levels match mine, and they make great running partners. But I’m partial to a cuddle and a snooze with a purring cat on my lap.

To keep active…

  • I try to cycle most days on one of my 3.5 bikes (I share a tandem with my husband).
  • I swim in the Serpentine all year round – even when it drops to a chilly 4°C.
  • You can find me running around Hyde Park or along Paddington Canal.
  • I also enjoy climbing, hiking, dancing and trying new sports, classes and activities.

If I wasn’t a physiotherapist and in love with my job, I’d want to be a food critic. I love tasting foods from different cultures and cuisines and letting them influence my cooking. My husband often has to listen to how a dish makes me feel and what I think the ingredients are. (I’m always up for a foodie conversation during physio sessions.)

When I’m not working or exercising you can find me exploring London with friends, looking after the pots of herbs and flowers outside my house, hunting for great ingredients at our local farmer’s market, or in the kitchen trying out a new recipe or making up my own. Occasionally, I get out my knitting needles or sewing machine to make a gift for a loved one or things for our home.